Jeffrey's Automotive is the largest AAA-approved repair facility in the North Fort Worth /  Watauga / Keller area.

Did you know fewer than 5% of all auto repair shops ever become AAA Approved Auto Repair?

AAA Approved Auto Repair means they’ve really checked out Jeffrey’s Automotive. AAA has inspected our credentials and qualifications and they’ve looked at our shop from the customer’s standpoint.  AAA also asked our customers.  Why does the AAA do all of that?  They want to ensure Jeffrey’s Automotive is a quality, reliable auto repair center that they can trust when they refer their members.  That’s a pretty high honor and we’re proud to wear the AAA Approved Auto Repair badge!

Jeffrey’s Automotive is the largest AAA-approved repair facility in the North Fort Worth /  Watauga / Keller area.

What does this mean for you?  Click here to learn why it’s important to you that Jeffrey’s is AAA approved!