Why we don’t push unnecessary repairs

The mechanic industry does have a reputation in the community for sometimes charging for unnecessary repairs. It is hard to know for sure if every suggestion is “unnecessary” but sometimes customers just do not know. At Jeffrey’s, we do our very best...

Mechanic Tips: 8 Essential to Ensure You Are Road Trip Ready!

It’s almost end of summer – school begins in a few weeks for most kids in the Fort Worth schools.  Some of you may be thinking of a last-minute family vacation – so are you road-trip ready? Here are a few simple things to check: Tires – check...

Understanding your Car’s Warning System

Growing up the oldest daughter of a mechanic, I learned early on how important it is to do regular maintenance on your car.  I learned to be aware at all times of the indicator lights on the instrument panel that illuminate to let you know when a problem occurs.  I...