Female customers treated with respect at Jeffrey’s

Years ago, we shared a story about a female customer who found comfort in knowing Jeffrey’s would be honest with her. We know that some women have trepidation about coming to an automotive repair shop. Let’s share a few recent reviews from female...

June reviews focus on honesty and that Jeffrey’s is trustworthy

In an industry riddled with stereotypes and negative experiences, we value highly any customer review that speaks of our trustworthiness and honesty. Saying such of ourselves seems irrelevant to a future customer, but we put these reviews online simply so that future...

Bedford customer: honesty, skills, friendliness

We know that our customers have choices in auto repair. If you live near Watauga or North Richland Hills, there are a number of fine mechanics to choose from. Now, let’s consider Bedford. It’s located 8-10 miles east of our shop on Denton Hwy 377. And if...